Dr. Katharina Auer-Voigtländer, MA, collaborator in the research group “Migration”
Mag. Martin Bauer, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
Magret Berger, BA MA, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
Mag. Dr. Katharina Bergmann-Pfleger, collaborator in the research Group “Camps”
Merle Bieber, MA, collaborator in the research group “Migration”
Dr. Edith Blaschitz, first network management, head of the research group “Camps”
Mag. Janina Böck-Koroschitz, collaborator in the research group “Migration”
Pauline Bögner, head of the research group “Regionalities”
Dr. Benjamin Grilj, collaborator in the research group “Migration”
MMag. Dr. Elisabeth Gruber, head of the “Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture”, collaborator in the research group “Migration” / “Regionalities”
Peter Hinterndorfer, BA BA MA MA, collaborator in the research group “Camps”
PD Dr. Martha Keil, first speaker and director at the “Institute for Jewish History in Austria”, collaborator in the research group “Camps”/“Regionalities”
PD Mag. Dr. Oliver Kühschelm, co-lead of the “The Institute of Rural History”, collaborator in the research group “Migration” /”Regionalities”
Kuhn Simon, BA MA, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
Mag. Dr. Thomas Kühtreiber, head of the research group “Regionalities”
Dr. Sabine Lehner BA MA, collaborator in the research group “Migration”
Mag. Philipp Lesiak, collaborator in the research group “Camps”, representation of the “Leitungsgremium” of the “Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Kriegsfolgenforschung”
Dr. Christoph Lind, collaborator in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”/“Camps”/“Regionalities”
Dr. Philipp Mettauer, collaborator in the research group “Camps”
Mag. Dr. Sabine Miesgang, M.A., head of the research group “Regionalities”
Mag. Niklas Perzi, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Johannes Pflegerl, first speaker / head of the “Ilse Arlt Institute for Research into Social Inclusion”, FH St. Pölten
Veronika Reidinger, BA MA, collaborator in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”/“Migration”/“Camps”
Dr. Jessica Richter, Dipl.-Sozialwiss. MSc, collaborator in the research group “Migration”
Mag. Martin Sauerbrey-Almasy, collaborator in the research group “Camps”
Mag. Brigitte Semanek, co-lead of the “The Institute of Rural History”, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
Doz. Mag. Dr. Barbara Stelzl-Marx, head of „Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut Kriegsfolgen-Forschung“
Nadjeschda Stoffers, BA MA
Mag. Dr. Anne Unterwurzacher, head of the research group “Migration”/ collaborator in the research group “Camps”
Carl Philipp Hoffmann, first network management
Former Staff:
Ekrem Arslan, collaborator in the research project “Migration”
Mag. Dieter Bacher, collaborator in the research group “Migration”, head of the research group “Camps”
Dr. Bernhard Bachinger, collaborator in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”
Mag. Gabriele Drack-Mayer, MA, collaborator in the research project “Nutrition and Inequality”/“Migration”
Tina Frischmann, BA, collaborator in the research group “Camps”
Dr. Wolfgang Gasser, collaborator in the research group “Camps”
Mag. Dr. Julia Köstenberger, collaborator in the research project “Migration”and “Nutrition and Inequality”
Mag. Dr. Josef Löffler, collaborator in the research project “Migration”
Mag. Maximilian Martsch, assoc. member in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”
Mag. Dr. Ingrid Matschinegg, collaborator in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”
Mag. Dr. Sabine Miesgang, M.A., head of the research group “Regionalities”
FH-Prof.Mag.Dr. Michaela Moser, collaborator in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”
MMag. Sabine Nachbaur collaborator in the research projects “Nutrition and Inequality”/“Migration”
Dr. Svjatoslav Pacholkiv, collaborator in the research project “Migration”
Prof. Peter Pantuček-Eisenbacher, head of the “Social Department”, FH St. Pölten, collaborator in the research project “Nutrition and Inequality”
Mag. Sarah Pichlkastner, MA, assoc. member in the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”
Mag. Dr. Lukas Schretter, MA
Anna Schulte, research assistant on the research project “Nutrition and Inequality”
Tabea Söregi, BA MA, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
Mag. Ulrich Schwarz-Gräber, head of the “The Institute of Rural History”, head of the research group “Nutrition and Inequality”, collaborator in the research group “Regionalities”
Mag. Georg Weissenböck, associate of the research project “Nutrition and Inequality”